Sunday, June 05, 2005

Cynthia is an AMAZING daughter

I finally went to sleep right at 6am this morning. After I got off RMM chat with Amy R (Lizard), I went and got church clothes & shoes out for Cynthia, Al and Mary-Jo then shoes & socks out for Kurt & Shelby. After that I sat down and wrote explicit instructions out for Cynthia for the morning while she let me sleep in. They are as follows:

Mama had a tough time getting to sleep.
Please help everyone get ready for church.
Change Kurt and Shelby pampers
Give Kurt and Shelby milk sippy cups
Give Kurt and Shelby animal crackers
You, Alex and Mary-Jo can eat the clown cereal, but eat it dry. You can have a small glass of milk
You, Al and Mary-Jo get dressed (the clothes are on the loveseat)
Get Shelby's white dress out of the closet
Get Kurt's green pants and his red & yellow striped shirt (his shirt is hung up with a pair of bluejean shorts)
Dress Kurt and Shelby. I'll put on their shoes when I wake up.

Cynthia did GREAT! Everything was done just as I had it on the list. I put S&K's shoes on. Then sent them to load up the van while I got dressed. EVERY SUNDAY MORNING SHOULD BE THIS EASY!!!!

1 comment:

Carol said...

What a wonderful helper! Cynthia, that was so sweet of you to let your Mama sleep!