Sunday, May 22, 2005


Our church scheduled a day of prayer for Saturday. It was set up in 1 hour increments. Each Sunday School was asked to take an hour. There were 3 hours left over where people could sign up to pray for our church, our mission trip (they leave this week), our missionairies, our country and state leaders, our men and women that are in the armed services, and all the other churches in our community. Our time was for 5am. I couldn't get to sleep until almost 2am. Then by that time, I was concerned that I wouldn't want to wake up at 4:30am to get to the church on time. So I stayed up until it was time to go. Kurt and Shelby helped me stay up as they had a pretty restless night. During my 8 minute drive to church, I prepared my heart for prayer. Then a praise song (I don't remember the name, but it was perfect) came on the radio and ended just as I parked the truck.

I have to admit that I have not prayed for a solid hour in a really long time. I was a little apprehensive that I might fall asleep at such an early hour or that I wouldn't have the power or the words to pray for a full hour. However, that hour was the sweetest time.

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