Sunday, September 25, 2005

RITA bonfire

Sing with me now...School's out for RITA! No, it's not summer (did you start singing?). It's "Rita" assessment. I know we are out Monday, but not sure what Tuesday and the rest of the week holds. Some areas are still experiencing power outages. Additionally, I think it will depend on whether our gas shortage has abated and if any schools are still being used as a shelter for our Southern neighbors.

The oldest 3 are excited to be at home. However, I don't know how long that will last as I have lots of work planned for tomorrow. We've got lots of laundry to wash, dry & put away and a multitude of little limbs in the yard to get picked up and burned. However, maybe they won't put up such a fuss if I tell them Daddy's going to bring home marshmellows for roasting on a bonfire once all the limbs have been piled up.

1 comment:

MsKnow said...

Oh my gosh! That's my kids favorite part of cooking out on the grill! We have a charcole grill, so everytime we have a cookout, Mario throws some branches on and lets the kids roast marshmallows for s'mores! YUMMY!

I hope your kids enjoy the day off school and the treat at the end!