Thursday, September 01, 2005

He just Bussed right on by!

Cynthia's bus driver drove by her AGAIN without picking her up. He didn't even slow down to look and see if she was there.

I called his house first thinking, well maybe his wife can call him on the bus and he can come back by and pick her up. No, no phone on the bus. So I call the school and tell them that this is the second time that he's driven right by her. They asked me if I could bring her to school. I said yes, but that she'd be late because I have 2 others that are getting ready for their school bus and two 2 year olds at home as well. They said that she would not be counted as late/tardy and just to bring her in when I could and that the principal would talk to the bus driver.

When I brought Cynthia in, I also asked that when the bus driver was informed if they could discuss with him about picking Cynthia up closer to the place of business--he said he will pick her up at the road which is about 100 feet away from where I'd like her to be picked up. If he were to pick her up closer to the business she could stand on the porch and then when she saw him coming run 30 feet to the busstop rather than 130 feet.

Why can't people be sensible and considerate about such things?

The bus driver called me and apologized. He was very nice and agreed that picking Cynthia up closer to the place of business would be better, especially in inclimate weather.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

So glad that he called back. I hope that this works out better in the future!